Marie-Louise von Franz's
Projection and Recollection

The subject of the seminar
is Marie-Louise von Franz's discussion
of projection—in general and also in science.
Seminars 7 and 8 build a unique bridge
to the psychology of science.

seminar 1a 1b intro, to page 11
seminar 2a 2b to page 25
seminar 3a 3b to page 40
seminar 4a 4b psychology and religion, to page 50
seminar 5a 5b review, to page 54
seminar 6a 6b to page 61
seminar 7a 7b to page 76, science
seminar 8a 8b to page 87, science
seminar 9a 9b to page 93
seminar 10a 10b to page 105

seminar 11a 11b to page 119
seminar 12a 12b to page 129
seminar 13a 13b to page 142
seminar 14a 14b to page 155
seminar 15a 15b to page 168
seminar 16a 16b to page 185
seminar 17a 17b finished